Friday, May 8, 2009

Semi-Interesting Ramble.

AP US History Exam:

The MCQ was okay, but I wasn't expecting much for that; it was the writing portion I was really scared of. But we really lucked out because the topics for both FRQs and the DBQ were really easy to write about. I am so relieved. Next up: AP Biology on Monday. Happy, happy joy.

Mandatory Seventh Grade Section:

Daniel Lee is growing on me. What I like about Justin is that he's witty and can keep up with my sarcasm. And whereas he is tall and skinny, Daniel is short (although no less skinny). But for being tiny, he sure has a lot of sass. He's a fiesty little thing. I kissed him on the head today. He didn't like it very much.

And I can feel your judgement coming at me through the computer screen. You'd be giddy too if you knew how cute those boys are. Sometimes I just want to eat them right up.

Oh, and I've recently gotten into the habit of wiggling whenever I say hi. I consider it a great accomplishment if people wiggle back at me. So far, I've gotten eleven wiggles.

.... You're judging me again. I can sense it.

Peace, love, and small children.

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