Friday, February 27, 2009

Good intentions, really.

Today I had every intention of going to Computer Club after school. I volunteered to work the projection computer during the tutorial and I even brought my tablet with me.

It didn't happen.

Justin used his magical seventh grade powers on me and somehow convinced me to buy him something at Dairy Queen. I, being the sucker that I am, let him drag me off with the rest of his friends (although it was actually me dragging him most of the way).

I met up with Esther at Dairy Queen, and she finally met Justin. And she admitted that he's a cutie pie, so there. We sat outside the store while we waited for him to finish his milkshake. It was nice. I haven't seen her a long time and it was good to catch up on things.

I ended up missing the entire meeting, and I felt slightly bad because I'm a trainee and I'm technically supposed to be there. But it turns out that the other trainees Jason Khoo and Linda Shih ditched the meeting too so afterwards I didn't worry about it as much.

All in all, it was good fun. But I am not buying that boy anything else if it involves walking. My feet are really sore.

I say that now, but by this time tomorrow I would have bought him something else.


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