Monday, August 24, 2009

Preteens, Walgreens, and skinny jeans.

Today I volunteered at eighth grade registration, which I think is the most genius idea I've had all summer. Some of the parents were a little freaked out that I knew so many of their kids' names (Daniel's mom looked positively appalled when I gave him a hug). But I think for the most part the students appreciated the upperclassman attention. Good karma, check.

I'm not entirely sure why I haven't volunteered before. It's a lot of fun! I was sharing a table with Edwin Ho, who is one of the nicest and funniest guys in our grade. Our station was the last place people stopped at before leaving, because we had to collect the checkoff list. We had this brilliant little script that constantly changed, and it included hand motions and everything. And when we weren't busy, we took pictures of ourselves and danced behind the table. You love us.

After registration, I found Justin and his crew hanging out near the English building. He started nagging me because he was bored, so I suggested that we go to Walgreens. Sam, of course, wanted to go, so off we went. The trip to Walgreens wasn't that exciting in itself, but I was still glad. We got drinks and headed back to school, where Sam and I argued over the circumference of Justin's ankles. He was wearing his skinny jeans again, which made me depressed. I want his metabolism. Cue teenage angst. Agh.

And now I'm home, left to nothing except masses of homework, college research, and my job in the evenings.

What to do, what to do? I wish I could fit those boys in my pocket.

Apparently Justin left his wallet in my car.

