Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update.


Most of the day was a blur. I couldn't get wait to get out of class. During lunch, Brenda, Juwon, Heasu, and I decided to walk to CVS. Before I left, Justin handed me a twenty and asked me to buy him five Tolberone bars. Jesus, that kid. How on earth he stays so thin, I will never know. I also bought Sam skittles because he looked positively dejected that he wasn't getting anything. I'm so nice.

Afterwards, Esther came over for the Computer Club meeting and I was in charge of the projection computer. The tutorial was based on text, so I kept typing various doll-related phrases like "Yael is judging you" or "Crobidoll owns all" and general things of the same sort. When the tutorial was over, Esther managed to log into deviantArt and we spazzed over Cloud's dolls. Heh.

Then we hung out with Deandro and Ryan Chavez while we discussed more dolls and Esther's mp3 player (which is really pretty, mind you). At around five, she went home and I went to Class of 2010 Movie Night. We watched 21! Aaron Yoo!! Eheh. I love him.

The movie was fine and dandy, but the games were probably the best part. I got this fantastic rug burn during a hectic round of 'Never Have I Ever.' It was great.


I pretty much spent the whole day wrapping tape around shampoo bottles. We're leaving for the Philippines in June, so my mom decided that we needed to start packing now. Makes sense. I was taping things because apparently while in the plane, the change of air pressure causes any bottled liquids or gels to leak. Therefore, tape. Also, a seventh grader:

JuhsteeenxD: tape is verrrrry good

(My away message had said, "Tape. It's good for you.")

Later, we went out to eat at Mimi's cafe. I drove, because apparently that's my designated job now. Whatever. I'm getting used to it.

Then freaking Koi Pond kept me up until 12:30. I saw pictures of Cloud! We also discussed small Asian boys and resin matches. You guys are making me lose sleep. I love you all.


Since this morning I've been lurking on Den of Angels, deviantArt, and various doll sites. It is, for the most part, a pretty uneventful day. Someone call me. Blah.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ghirardelli Chocolate.

Yesterday I bought these insanely delicious squares of Ghirardelli dark chocolate. They have raspberry filling inside and are literally heaven in your mouth.

I was talking to Justin's friend Sam, and I guess he's a sucker for sweet things because he asked me for a chocolate. I didn't want to give him one at first because they were $4.29 just for a bag. Then Sam started to say, "Come on, you won't give your favorite seven-- Wait. I mean your second favorite seventh grader a chocolate?" I find it funny that he automatically assumes his ranking. I try not to play favorites, though. They're all wonderful in their own way. Justin because he's witty and can keep up with my vocabulary. Daniel because he's sassy and just so utterly little. And Sam because he's the only sane one and quite honestly, far too pretty for his own good. It's not fair.

Eventually I did give him one and he liked it so much, he practically had a religious experience. Which is important. Because today when I gave Justin one, he thought it was too fruity. And Sam got all offended and started to yell at him. At least Justin likes Godiva. If he didn't, I just might have to disown him.

I'm testing for my license in three weeks! I am nervous and excited at the same time.

I am also Mr. Super Clear.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Semi-Interesting Ramble.

AP US History Exam:

The MCQ was okay, but I wasn't expecting much for that; it was the writing portion I was really scared of. But we really lucked out because the topics for both FRQs and the DBQ were really easy to write about. I am so relieved. Next up: AP Biology on Monday. Happy, happy joy.

Mandatory Seventh Grade Section:

Daniel Lee is growing on me. What I like about Justin is that he's witty and can keep up with my sarcasm. And whereas he is tall and skinny, Daniel is short (although no less skinny). But for being tiny, he sure has a lot of sass. He's a fiesty little thing. I kissed him on the head today. He didn't like it very much.

And I can feel your judgement coming at me through the computer screen. You'd be giddy too if you knew how cute those boys are. Sometimes I just want to eat them right up.

Oh, and I've recently gotten into the habit of wiggling whenever I say hi. I consider it a great accomplishment if people wiggle back at me. So far, I've gotten eleven wiggles.

.... You're judging me again. I can sense it.

Peace, love, and small children.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Full speed ahead.

In less than twelve hours, I'll be taking my AP US History Exam.

How very typical of me to blog about it here instead of actually studying.

Which doesn't really help. The only thing I know is Thomas Paine and Common Sense.

Wish me luck.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He swallowed the thesaurus.

[21:44] Juhsteeen xD: are you insinuating that my competence is below par?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Daily ramblings.

A few updates for you:

1. I made next year's Computer Club board! You're looking at one of your Student Advisors for 2009-2010!

2. During Friday's computer club meeting, Lan graciously decided to use this photo for her tutorial.

3. After Friday's meeting, Lan and I were hanging out with Philip. He was a bit delirious, which was probably because of the numerous cough drops I kept chucking at him. Poor kid. Said some really strange things, but I forget most of them. Also he was sleeping under my jacket. It was great.

4. I went to a Fairmont performance yesterday and got to meet up with Reanimated crew again! Rene bought me poptarts. Hehehe.

5. I managed to get my guy friend to sign up with Den of Angels. I converted him! This is a great accomplishment.

Peace, friends.